Glenglassaugh 1963


A Whisky Jewel from the World This week, we venture into the fascinating world of whisky to explore a true gem of the Scottish Highlands: the Glenglassaugh 1963. Known for its age and exquisite nature, this whisky distilled in 1963 and aged for 51 years in a bourbon barrel is a true masterpiece that has … Leer más

Whisky: A Liquid Treasure on the Rise

whisky colección

Introduction Whisky, also known as “liquid gold,” has experienced significant growth in recent years. Its value has surpassed traditional investments such as real estate and precious metals, making it an attractive option for investors. According to a recent report by the real estate consultancy Knight Frank, the value of whisky increased by 40% in 2018, … Leer más

El Espíritu de G.H. MUMM

Cuvée R. Lalou 1999

Champán Cuvée R. Lalou Cuvée Prestige 1999: El Espíritu de G.H. MUMM El Champán Cuvée R. Lalou Cuvée Prestige 1999 de G.H. MUMM es una joya excepcional que rinde homenaje a uno de los grandes guardianes de la casa de champán. Este cuvée de gran cru es una obra maestra creada para capturar la esencia … Leer más

Highland Park Thorfinn

Explorando la Excelencia de las Orcadas En el vasto mundo del whisky escocés, el Highland Park Thorfinn destaca como una expresión excepcional. Este whisky ha sido cuidadosamente envejecido en barricas de roble europeo sazonadas con Jerez, lo que le otorga un tono dorado rojizo naturalmente oscuro y una profundidad de sabores incomparable. En este artículo, … Leer más

Whisky Torabhaig

Whisky Torabhaig

Torabhaig: The Charm of Scottish Whisky on the Isle of Skye On the picturesque Isle of Skye, in Scotland, you will find a distillery that has captivated whisky enthusiasts with its exceptional production. We are talking about Torabhaig, a relatively new distillery that has managed to stand out in a saturated market. In this article, … Leer más